New Beginnings

I am taking a cue from respected PHP developer Paul M. Jones. Paul somewhat recently split his blog into two. One for personal stuff (he blogs about a lot of political stuff) and one for software development. In starting this blog I am doing something similar.

I have not been very active on my personal blog for a while. And part of that is because I have been reluctant to make a bunch of technical posts there. My family and some friends follow it and I think they would think it's weird that I am posting about all this PHP stuff when that is not my day job. But since I can't talk much about my day job (they are very much an old school, closed, engineering shop) and I have not been doing autocrossing or track days since becoming a homeowner and then dad, writing web apps is the most exiting thing going.

The other factor is I have been itching to convert my WordPress blog to Jekyll/Octopress. Through the generosity of Github I have a free space to host this blog and can play around with Jekyll and Octopress. I think my personal blog being on WordPress hurt my willingness to write as well. The software just felt so heavy. I should have made more use of the Android app though. Oh well.

I am looking forward to putting out some great content, mostly on PHP but also some CSS and Linux stuff.

Till next time...

